Hours of Operation: end of June to late August from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weather permitting
Age Range: all ages
Parking: street parking on Guildwood Drive in front of the park
Ground Cover: cement and recycled rubber
Main Equipment:
- 3 bucket dump post
- 2 elephant water blasters
- 1 hydrant spray post
Accessibility Features: wheel chair accessible
Facilities/Surrounding Park Area/Other:
- see Guildwood Park post
Seating: 2 park benches and a long rock wall around the Splash Pad to sit on
Shade: no shade over the Splash Pad, shade from some trees over some benches and grass
Overall assessment: This is a fun splash pad to run around and wash all of the sand off the kids after playing at the adjacent playgrounds!